Pokémon Invades Yoshinoya in Japan

Pokémon are taking over one of Japan’s most popular fast casual establishments. Pocket Monsters (ポケットモンスター) as they are known in Japan will be featured in Yoshinoya shops nationwide starting this December.
Stores will be decorated and serve special “Pokemori” meal sets.
Yoshinoya serves beef rice bowls known as Gyudonburi in Japan. (If you’re interested in learning to make your own Gyudonburi make sure to watch our OMG Meals Episode!)
Special Sets
There are 5 options available (about $3 to $5):
- Pokemori Gyudon Set (498 yen)
- Pokemori Kids Gyudon Set (448 yen)
- Pokemori Kids Curry Set (448 yen)
- Pokemori Kids Gyudon à la carte (328 yen)
- Pokemori Kids Curry à la carte (328 yen)
Pokemori is a play on Pokémon combined with mori (盛) which means serving of food. Pretty clever!
Each set is served with a themed juice box AND one of 6 blind bag Pokémon figures. Figures are only available for a limited time until they run out! (see below :D) Each featured Pokémon was chosen because of their name in Japanese ends in Don. :D
Dine-in orders are served in one of 6 special Pokéball themed bowls with a special surprise at the bottom. Each bowl has a Pokémon painted at the bottom that remains a mystery until you eat the entire bowl!
Unfortunately you can’t take the bowl home and I can’t find a way to buy them. BUT! You can win one! (see below)
Take-out orders come in a Pokéball themed paper bowl and plastic bag featuring the Pokéball icon.
Promotion Poster
Customer Photos
I can’t find if all stores will have elaborate decorations like the Ebisu location. But man, is the Ebisu location neat. They have a giant Pokebowl out front, display cases inside featuring the figures and pokebowls, decals, giant themed archways, etc.
— ゆきち (@yuki_pika2) December 14, 2019
周り見るとポケ盛注文している方がほとんど。 pic.twitter.com/jOKtqyQJ71
— あさの◡̈♥︎ (@a__ano) December 14, 2019
ヤドンもゲットできたし、お店ごとコラボしてて可愛かった(*´-`) pic.twitter.com/NfmW4Lphuh
People seem to be buying more than one bowl since they’re kid sized. Have yet to see any photos of actual kids getting to enjoy the figures. LOL
4人で11杯食った結果#ポケ盛 pic.twitter.com/VfVdaNyy6c
— 荒井洋輔 (@sofvimoi) December 19, 2019
家族の晩御飯にポケ盛買ったら全部リザー丼だった… #吉野家 #ポケ盛 pic.twitter.com/uTnahry82H
— かぢてつだい (@mysleehamster) December 19, 2019
Keica figured out the best use of the figures!
とりあえずのっけた。#ポケ盛#ポケモンGO pic.twitter.com/qvHVRVF7K0
— keica🌳MD武蔵嵐山ありがとう❣️ (@keicaforest) December 22, 2019
They don’t mention what location is pictured here… but nothing other than the kids bowl is available from the menu. No figures or juice boxes remain. 😢
ポケ盛終了(笑) pic.twitter.com/eujbKI5nCc
— BUFFALO♥ポケスト審査中 (@ICE_blast_Mega5) December 22, 2019
If you’re interested in seeing more pictures of people’s visits to the Pokemori Promotion use this search on Twitter.
4 Waves of Releases?
Twitter user pikachuu0126 posted images of all the Pokemori signage. Yoshinoya is planning 4 rounds of figurine releases.
Release Schedule
- Fall 2019 - The Current Promotion
- Charizard / Rizadon
- Groudon / Guradon
- Slowpoke / Yadon
- Weepinbell / Utsudon
- Gastrodon / Toritodon (male and female)
- Spring 2020
- 7 more Don-named silhouettes are shown
- Summer 2020 - Sword and Shield
- Fall 2020 - The hottest / most desirable characters
The official Pokemori site does not list the additional campaigns!
You can actually enter to win the awesome bowls used in-store!
Entry Method #1
- Follow @yoshinoyagyudon on Twitter
- Take a picture of your Pokemori receipt and DM it to the Yoshinoya Twitter account
Eligible for 1 meal entry where you can win 1 of 1,100 individual bowls… OR 10 meal entry where you can win one of 100 sets that include all 6 bowls used in store!
Entry Method #2
- Follow @yoshinoyagyudon on Twitter
- Retweet the embedded tweet and still be following their account on January 5, 2020
Eligible for 1 of 30 bowls.
— 吉野家 (@yoshinoyagyudon) December 11, 2019
①@yoshinoyagyudon をフォロー
ポケ盛専用ドンぶりほんっっっとうに可愛い( ;∀;)💗
たくさんの応募待ってます🎶#ポケ盛ゲット pic.twitter.com/jNKdM8Zj2N
*Prizes can only be sent to Japan
All participating Yoshinoya locations in Japan.
In a move I would love to see US-based restaurants adopt, Yoshinoya actually provides a list of shops who are NOT participating or only provide Pokemori via delivery only. https://www.yoshinoya.com/pdf/pokemori_list/
From: December 19, 2019 To: March 18, 2020
Images from Yoshinoya’s Pokemori Site
Images from pikachuu0126 on Twitter
Images from Yoshinoya’s Twitter Feed