Bright green and blue background covered with food related clippings: a giant blowfish, a Ben & Jerry's logo, two people eating burgers and wearing giant hats, a bag of Cheetos, Lawson's Karaage-kun space chicken nuggets bag, Wendy's Baconator Pringles, Cup Noodle Gundam-Style Model Kit. Then in the middle is a giant sticker saying All You Can Eat News.
How'd We Start Talking About Burger King Again?
Collage of food related images. Taco Bell logo, Yoshinoya Logo, Starbucks Logo, McDonald's logo, hand holding nutrition bar, John Deere tractor, rockstar energy can, trader joe's logo. Bright 80s graphics saying
Cat Food and Fajita Slinging Robots
Man holds one finger up explaining while another sticks out tongue surrounded by taco Starbucks Tye-Dye drink Sonic Mocktails KFC Cheetos sandwich
Burger King Tacos, Veggie Burgers Illegal?!?, KFC x Cheetos, + MORE